2017-06-16 伯特·海靈格
您籠罩在一種孤獨感裡,可是您留在了我們身邊。您一直努力而又慈愛的服務著我們的生命和未來,我們理所當然的接受, 從未感謝過對您的索求。
Dear Dad,
For such a long time, I did not know what I was missing deep, deep inside. For such a long time, you, my dear dad, were banned from my heart. For such a long time, you, my dear dad,were banned from my heart. For such a long time , you were just someone who was there. I hardly noticed you as my gaze was focused on something else, on something greater, as I imagined.
Suddenly you returned to me as from far away,because my wife Sophie called you, she saw you, and you spoke to me through her.
When I think how often and how much I felt bigger than you, how very much afraid of you I was, because you often beat me very badly, and I banned you from my heart, yes, I had to, because my mother got between us. Well only now I feel how empty and lonely I had become and how separated I was from the full life.
But now you have returned into my life from very far away, lovingly from some distance without interfering my life.
Only now do I only to grasp that it's you who secured our survival day after day without our feeling deep down how much love was flowing from you to us, always the same, always focused on our well-being, and yet as if excluded from our hearts, have we ever told you how great you were as our father?
You had a sense of loneliness around you, but you stayed with us. You remained conscientious and loving in the service of our life and our future, we took it for granted, without ever acknowledging what it demanded of you.
Now tears come to my eyes, dear dad, I bow to your greatness and take you into my heart. You as if had been excluded from my heart for such a long time, it was so empty without you. And even now you remain some distance from me in a friendly way, without expecting anything that could take away from your greatness and your dignity. As my father you remained as the big one, and I take you and everything I owe to you, as your beloved son.
Dear Dad
Your Tony