~~~譯者:魏台鳳 2011.6.8
The movement towards our mother
For many people, there are some early experiences that stand in the way of taking their mother. They experienced an early separation from their mother, for instance. Perhaps they were given away for some time, or their mother was ill, or they themselves were ill, and their mother was not allowed to visit them. Having had such experiences results in deep-seated changes in our feelings and behavior from thereon in.
Through the pain of separation and the sense of being lost without Mother, the despair of not being able to be with her, her, whom we needed so much, an inner decision is reached that says, for instance: “I give up, “”I remain alone.”” I keep my distance from her,” or ”I turn away from her.”
Later, when such a child is allowed to go to the mother again, he or she often keeps a distance, This child might not let her mother touch ger; she closes off to her and to her love. The mother waits in vain, and when she tries to come closer, to take her child into her arms, the child remains in inner rejection, and often also expresses it.
對許多人來說,早期的一些經驗使得他們無法接受他們的母親。例如早期存在著與母親分離的經驗;有些狀況是他們被送走一段時間,或他們的母親生病了,也或許是幼小的他生病了,以致母親無法接近他。從那時刻起,這些經驗都導致他內在深處的感受和行為改變了。 母親,一個我們如此需要的人,經歷了無法與母親在一起和分離的痛,不能與母親相處的絕望感,我們內在深處會升起一個決定:「我放棄,我寧願單獨。」「我要對她保持距離。」或是「我要離開她。」
The movement towards success
An early disruption in the movement towards our mother shows up later as a decisive obstacle to our success in work, in our profession, in our enterprise. Here, too, it is of great importance that we go towards success instead of waiting for it to come to us. A good example is when we expect returns without having delivered the corresponding effort and achievement, or when we push others to do the work instead of getting into it ourselves, or when we withdraw rather than joyfully go to people and to some work. Every success has the face of our mother.
Here, too, we practice this as an inner movement to our success, to other people, in our willingness to achieve something for them, prepared to serve them. Instead of hesitating, standing still, and waiting for them to move.
We go towards them, we go towards our success, step by step; and in every step, we sense our mother lovingly behind us. In closenses with her, we are well-equipped for our success and we will arrive there, just as we managed to reunite with our mother. First, we went to her—and now to our success.
每個人最初始的關係即是與母親的關係。不論這一份關係的”維持” 或”修復”,都不會改變你與母親與生俱有的關係;端在於你如何去感受它!一個準備好與自己關係和諧的人(同意不論如何母親都是愛他/她的人)──是可以走近人群、走入合作的關係裡的。也就是一個不同意自己的人,也很難同意別人。那麼,下意識的與人保持距離是很難達成任何事的